American Values

Dubya, our own little Torture Tyrant.

All hail King George II! (Didn’t America fight to get away from this kind of thing?)


4 Responses

  1. This poster is terrible. You should be ashamed, disgracing yourself this way.

    The blue background with red lettering is attrocious. You can barely read the word “torture.” At the very least, change the font in the word “torture” to one that makes it easier to read. I’d go for a far lighter background and darker lettering, personally.

    Of course, then that causes a few problems with the “The New American Virtue.” You’ll have to change that color, too. A larger font wouldn’t hurt.


  2. That’s the point, Rob. It’s meant to be torture on the eyes.

    I’m just expressing the new American value here.

  3. Certainly England before the seventeenth century saw its share of torture, but by the Victorian age in the early 19th century it was all gone. I have searched for references to torture within the Declaration of Independence and have not found any. Our George seems to be espousing a practice that even the notorious George III of England may not have done. So in a sense, Americans fought a revolution for things that were less material, and more estoteric than the issue of torture. Revoutionaries saw torture as being out of the question. The only reference to it appears in the fifth ammendment, obliquely, in terms of a person not being forced to witness against himself.

    And as for habeus corpus, that is a pronciple that England has espoused since the days of William the Conqueror in 1166. In King George’s day even a black slave in England ( a person who would have then existed in a kind of person-not person netherworld with respect to protections of the law ) was ruled to have habeus corpus protection. In George’s England all people enjoyed the protections of the law, not just George’s friends.

    Bush has set American Jurisprudence back to pre-inquisition medieval standards. Perhaps farther. If things continue at this pace very much longer, we will be paying republican operatives “indulgences” to keep jobs, vote, get into good schools, enjoy police protection, or gain access to any “free” government services.

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