
Tu. To vomit, to spit. The word for “mouth” is on the left side of the symbol for vomit, the word for “earth” is on the right and is a phonetic. One spits or vomits upon the earth. There is a wise immediacy to vomiting.

As uncomfortable as vomiting is, it can be very instructive. Usually some indiscertion or illness brings us to the point of throwing up, and if we have to throw up, we might as well learn something from it.

There is a certain genius in the quickness of vomiting. Somehow, a body knows when it has to get rid of something offensive. Once it has decided, there is no holding back. Regardless of whether it is socially acceptable, or smart, or a good time for it to happen, the vomit will come. It doesn’t matter if we use all our might and all our concentration to try to stop it.

In the throes of whatever brings on such nausea, all others concerns are blocked. It doesn’t matter what work you have or where you are. Maybe you don’t even hear what someone is saying to you. This is akin to perfect concentration.

And when vomiting happens, it happens mightliy. It is forceful and complete. Retching can be so powerful, it will leave your abdomen sore for days. Again, perfect concentration. Perfecr action, with nothing left undone. Ahh – don’t we feel better?

It’s astounding how many years we will put up with bad relationships and horrible jobs and stupid social obligations, all because we think we must. It’s amazing how we smoke and drink and eat bad food and stay out too long in the sun, even though we know it’s bad; we do it over and over again anyway. Isn’t it because we don’t let our innate genius take over? If we did, we would not tolerate what is bad for us even for a second. We should take this as a challenge. If we know bad things have come into our lives, we should forcefully expel them as quickly as possible. Without a doubt, we will feel much relieved.


Dubya and his administration make me want to vomit. Perhaps this country can get smart enough to vomit him out this fall.


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