
Gu. Valley.

The valley is low. Thus, all things flow toward it. It is receptive. Therefore, fertility increases in it, without it “doing” anything.

It is open, making it the ideal place to receive the sun’s life-giving light. Therefore it gains all that the heavens have to offer.

The valley accomplishes everything while doing nothing but being low and open.

By maintaining our modesty and by not considering anything beneath us, we can gain everything.

By being receptive, we can avail ourselves of the spiritual wealth available to us.

By being open, we can receive things beyond what we ourselves might imagine.

Deng Ming Dao, Everyday Tao


I’ve always tried to be open to new things and new people, but recently I’ve cut myself off more from being open. It’s difficult to open yourself up again after having been badly hurt and damaged. I think I’ve built up enough strength now to be more open again, though. My expectations of people are much changed, though. I don’t expect other people to see things as deeply as I do anymore, to feel things so deeply. I’ve come to understand that other people simply aren’t like me, that most people are not receptive and open like valleys.

I accept pretty much everything from other people. I can’t think of a single person I’ve ever cut off from my life. Even when people would tell me I should, I usually haven’t. I try very hard to understand as best I can, and if I can’t I try to accept anyway. I haven’t developed any real fears of other people.

But I am a pretty good judge of character, for the most part. I don’t actively pursue relationships, and have few close friends right now because of that. I prefer to let people come to me. So I guess my particular valley isn’t a very frequently traveled one. But this doesn’t really bother me. I am usually as content by myself as with others around, sometimes more so.

Be open and receptive, and let things and people come to me. That I can do. Not consider anything or anyone beneath me. I try to be that way. Be content to just let things flow? That is harder. I can push too hard at times, and push things and people away. I think I need to work most on just being receptive, and not pushing back. So that’s what I will focus on for now.

It’s time to be low and open.


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