Apparently Cthulhu doesn't like comments

My new baby from ComiCon – isn’t he the cutest lil’ thing?!

Valentino Cthulhu…


Well, that was weird. I guess posting Cthulhu pictures messes up blogs. That figures. Anyway, we’ll try this again and see if it works a bit better…

Yup, seems all better now. I think the database was just messed up last night. Or, it was just the strange power of Cthulhu in action.


3 Responses

  1. yes, donna, i had said something with stunning brilliance and GONE! it is slightly reassuring that even a person with your computer capability can have mysteries occur. happens all the time to me.

    my previous thought had to do with admiration of your varying blog content from the political to the mellow to whatever this red object is…sits on your computer? yours, naomi

  2. Heh. Well, my mind’s content ranges all over the place, so why shouldn’t my blog’s content? When I started blogging it was mostly as a journal, then I moved into blogging about Tao, since it was my path to healing and feeling complete. The political is mostly because, well, how can anyone ignore that these days, with catastrophe after catastrophe shoved in our faces on a daily basis. And Cthulhu is just cute and squiddy and horrific all that the same time. You have to love the human capacity to take an object of horror like Cthulhu (from H.P Lovecraft’s stories) and turn it into something cute and fuzzy. There’s just nothing better than that!

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