Pet Food Fiasco

We were caught up in the pet food recall today – had to take back our Natural Balance Venison and Brown Rice to exchange. Fortunately the company is being great about it, no paperwork, just exchange for a different type of food that wasn’t in the recall.

We went with the organic food – hopefully less problems that way.

Mostly it makes me wonder what else the FDA has been screwing up on lately, and what the hazards are in all of our food these days. Whatever, I’m going organic as much as possible anyway. Wish I lived in a better area to grow my own food as well. I’m really looking forward to that twenty acre golden ranch someday – in a nice agricultural area that’s easier to garden in than my piddly foot of topsoil. Yeah, I know, raised beds, but try getting my hubby to build it. I’m looking at this company though, and may just do it.


3 Responses

  1. I don’t think my dog’s food has been recalled yet, but I stopped checking the updates. I’ve been feeding him organic food since I got him. Luckily I have a store nearby that sells only organic pet food. So far, so good.

  2. After reading a book about the pet food industry and rendering plants, I HAD to switch my cat to holistic, organic food. Costs a bit more, but it’s so worth it.

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