
Jian. Interval, space, partition. No matter where you are in life, you still have an interval of time to use wisely.

“When I die, I will rot in the ground like anyone else.” There. If you say that, no priest or minister has any power over you.

So many religious leaders simply want converts. They want to build grand temples. They want obedience. They want glory. And to get that, they promise you great rewards and a guaranteed place in heaven. But we don’t want that.

We want insight into this life. We want freedom to walk our way.

Therefore, we must all seek a clear, free, open path with no encumbrances. We all accept that we will die, but that means we still have to make decisions for the interval until then. We don’t know how long, but that doesn’t matter. The fact is, we have time, long or short. What are we going to do with that? That is the most valuable wealth we have. What will you do?

Time is made up of many intervals strung together.

Deng Ming-Dao, Everyday Tao

I think about time a lot lately. When I have a few minutes of time available, with no interruptions, I like to meditate or read. When I am stressed by others demands on my time, I try to remember that soon enough, today or tomorrow, I will have my own time again to do with as I choose. It helps to believe there is enough time for everything, rather than get into the trap of “I don’t have enough time.” It slows you down, lets you really listen to people and be able to focus on their needs for a few moments rather than just your own.

I try to keep a book or a sketchpad in my care for those moments when I’m waiting for someone and they are late, so it never really bothers me too much when others are late. For myself, I try to be on time when I have appointments, because I want others to know their time is as valuable as my own, and if I have made a commitment to use their time, I try my best to honor it.

I used to get x’s instead of checkmarks in school (do you remember those?) for “Uses Time Wisely” because teachers would think I wasn’t listening to them when I was daydreaming or writing. It’s interesting that I still managed to ace their tests and assignments. Hey, the last minute is there for a reason.

I love the way my golden retriever Chance uses his time. His typically attitude is “The sun, is shining, it’s a beautiful day, and I have plenty of food. Let’s play”. Unless, of course, there is more food to be had. Then he is very attentive. My cats are even better. For them it’s “Take over the world, or nap?” Typical of cats, they will choose to nap.

Heck, offer me chocolate, and I’ll make my time available for you. I’m easy. Dark, of course, the darker the better. And with raspberry… well, you’ve got my attention and all the time you want!

How do you use your time here in this world? Or you chasing after your dreams, or the ones you think you should have? Do you make time for yourself? For those you love? For friends? For meditation?

Time is all we have… and there will always be enough. There is all of your life – however long it is, and however you choose to use the intervals.


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