
Fan. To return, to turn back, to turn over, to rebel, polarity, opposites. The symbol is two hands held opposite one another.

One needs to understand cycles to understand Tao.

Days and nights, summers and winters.
Waves curling up, consumed by new waves.
The ongoing march of generations,
The vapor of water congealing into clouds –
Tao is cyclical, not linear.

The multitude of things are innumerable,
But they travel circularly.
Those who accord with Tao
Understand rise and fall
And gain clarity and insight.
Those who do not accept rise and fall,
Ride recklessly with misfortune.

Thus it is said: the secret of Tao lies in returning.

Deng Ming-Dao, Everyday Dao


Two hands help opposite one another. In the right hand, the old order of things, those who would hold to the past and not understand that the cycle must turn. In the left hand, those who know the cycle will turn, and want to direct that turning towards the next cycle rather than allow the descent into chaos that results from trying too hard to cling to the old ways.

America is at its fourth turning, the place and time where we must return again to the first turning, a place in the cycle following upheaval, change, and the creation of a new order. Those on the right do not understand that the existing order cannot hold, a new one must be created that fits with its place and time.

We can close off to the world, become its enemy, or we can open up and embrace the world. We can reward the wealthy and create an entire generation of poor, impoverished, hostile workers, or we can care for all people and provide them health and a good standard of living. We can try and foist empire on the world, whidh will fail and fall and perhaps take down the entire world economy, or we can work with other nations to control terrorism, help to heal the deep wounds between nations and religions, allow all to join in the prosperity of this age, and share our great wealth and wisdom to provide health and aid to those who need it. We can give up America to our Chinese and Japanese financiers, or we can restore our economy to vibrancy and health by cutting our reckless defense spending and building smarter, leaner, better military systems for protection and not domination.

These choices are ours to make. They are not for those with money and power to make, however they may try to manipulate us or rig our voting systems. We can go to the polls and make sure votes are counted. We can talk with our friends and neighbors and make sure they are not victims of manipulation and deceit. We can demand honesty from our press. We can demand clean, monitored elections. We can let our representatives know we will not support them if they cater to special interest, especially when they deny that they do so and then hold multi-million dollar fund raisers with their “friends”.

Let’s return to a strong America, but one that works with the world. Stregth is not just military might and domination. It is the ability for subtle negotiation with opposing interests, and intelligent handling of sensitive issues. A strong person fights only when absolutely neccessary, not because they can. A strong nation is respected, not feared or loathed. A strong nation cares for all its people, not only those with power and wealth.

The wheel turns, as it must, but we can choose the direction we are traveling. Are you spinning your wheels, or going somewhere?


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