At least the astrologers are getting good at predicting earthquakes!

And then comes what looks like the second most important geocosmic shock window of the month, in effect from the 27th through April 5. The storms and seismic action (and in this case, tidal surges too) during this period are very nearly SuperMoon-class, what with the lunar perigee and southward crossing of the celestial equator both taking place on the 28th, just two days before the full moon on the 30th. The Moon’s April 4 south declination extreme brings up the rear.

MAR 30, 2010 Full MoonRegulars know the drill for these storm and seismic risk periods: check the pantry, the bottled water and the “go bag”, make sure the batteries are fresh and the tank is full. Stormy weather can strike anywhere of course, and this combination of celestial factors is planetary in scale and therefore planet-wide in scope. Still, there may be some hints as to areas of special risk associated with this late March-into-early April risk window. Astro-locality mapping the March 30 full moon, the anchor for this period, shows a longitudinal vulnerability running from Adelaide-Melbourne up through Tokyo in the east, across the pole and down across central Greenland and eastern Brazil. I’d also keep an eye on the Sun-Moon horizon arc running through the Middle East (touching Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Turkey), across western Russia and the north of Greenland, and down through Canada, the Pacific Northwest and California – including Vancouver, San Francisco and Los Angele

via Astropro Futures: March 2010 Forecast by Astrologer Richard Nolle.

Guess someone had to get it right… ;^) At least his advice to be prepared is good!


5 Responses

  1. I don’t think we really know — we live in a very active seismological area, and if you predict enough events, sooner or later you’ll be right. ;^)

    • Yeah, I agree with that — I just don’t think anyone quite really gets how these influences work just yet. ;^)

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